Links to Parents Preschool Blog

Links to Learning

25 Books to Enjoy with Your Child

Whatever your child’s age, it is important to continue shared reading experiences even during summer. Reading together frequently has been shown to have a profound positive influence on vocabulary acquisition, speech development and listening skills. Below are some age-appropriate books to read with your child this summer. INFANTS Welcome Summer…
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Developing Your Preschooler’s Writing Skills

In the early preschool years, writing starts with practicing fine motor skills and progresses to include concepts such as vocabulary, sentence structure and inventive spelling. Our curriculum builds the foundation for writing beginning with our infants. Our teachers not only instruct students how to write, but they also help instill…
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Developing Confident Future Readers

March is National Reading Month, so it is a great time to reinforce how important it is to expose children to books from an early age. We engage all of our students in language and literacy activities every day throughout the school year. Research has shown that reading aloud to…
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Going on a Picture Walk

The ability to predict the typical structure of a story is an important part of reading comprehension. Even before your child has the ability to sound out words and recognize letter combinations, he or she can begin to develop comprehension by interpreting pictures. The ability to understand a story through…
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