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travel activities for preschoolers

“Are We There Yet?”: 5 Fun Activities for the Road

While traveling with your preschooler, you’ve probably heard him say, “Are we there yet?” or “How much longer?” more times than you can count. Being stuck in the car or on a flight might not seem like the most stimulating activity, but it is possible to engage your child’s mind and…
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10 Fun and Interactive Books for Infants and Toddlers

10 Fun and Interactive Books for Infants and Toddlers

You’re probably aware that reading to children at a young age has a profound influence on vocabulary acquisition, speech development and listening skills. If you’re a parent of an infant or toddler, you may have noticed that interactive books are especially likely to hold their attention. Pat the Bunny and…
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Nursery Rhymes & Other Fun Books to Read this Summer

Summer is a time to relax, go on vacation and spend time outdoors. However, it also provides great opportunities for shared reading experiences with your child. As you begin planning picnics, beach trips and barbecues, don’t forget to bring a book along! Nursery rhymes, for instance, are a great choice…
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Introducing Your Preschooler to Non-Fiction

When you think about children’s books, you might envision princesses in castles, talking animals or a flying magic school bus. Although it’s fun to read these types of stories with your child, it’s important to also introduce him to non-fiction books. You may be surprised to learn that he’s fascinated…
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